4. Ambition and Industriousness
The industriousness tactic
included actions such as putting in extra time and effort at work, managing time efficiently, prioritizing goals, and working hard to impress
{Подчертавам - аз пиша статии, водя събития и др. за да "впечатля бъдещи работодатели". Ако некой друг се впечатлява е "просто side effect". 😑 }
Next, we correlated this information with their past income and
promotions and with their anticipated income and promotions to see
which tactics for getting ahead were most successfully linked with
actual measures of getting ahead.
Among all the tactics, sheer hard work proved to be one of the best
predictors of past and anticipated income and promotions. Those who
said that they worked hard, and whose spouses agreed that they worked
hard, achieved higher levels of education, higher annual salaries, and
anticipated greater salaries and promotions than those who failed to
work hard. Industrious and ambitious men secure a higher occupational
status than lazy, unmotivated men do.
{Бе не баш - ако си мързелив, но знаеш кво правиш, може да постигнеш повече от "тъпак бачкатор". Тарикатите отдавна са го научили тоя урок. 😃 }
American women seem to be aware of this connection, because they
indicate a desire for men who show the characteristics linked with getting ahead.
Women in the overwhelming majority of cultures value ambition and industry more than men
do, typically rating it as between important and indispensable.
In Taiwan, for example, women rate ambition and industriousness as 26 percent more
important than men do; women from Bulgaria rate it as 29 percent more important ; and women from Brazil rate it as 30 percent more important.
{Е за тва обяснявам на всички (особенно на жени), че съм "мързелив и немам планове за живота" - не искам да "проявяват интерес" 😃 }
5. Dependability and Stability
Among the eighteen characteristics rated in the worldwide study on
choosing a mate, the second and third most highly valued characteristics, after love, are a dependable character and emotional stability or
These characteristics may possess such a great value worldwide
because they are reliable signals that resources will be provided consistently over time. Undependable people, in contrast, provide erratically
and inflict heavy costs on their mates.
{Пак опираме до "паричките" 😁 За това и съм "силно ненадежден" човек.}
unstable men-as defined by themselves, their spouses, and their interviewers-are especially costly to women.
First , they tend to be selfcentered and monopolize shared resources. Furthermore, they tend to be possessive, monopolizing much of the time of their wives.
They show
higher than average sexual jealousy, becoming enraged when their wives
even talk with someone else.
They show dependency, insisting that their
mates provide for all of their needs.
They tend to be abusive both verbally and physically. They display inconsiderateness, such as by failing to show up on time.
And they are moodier than their more stable counterparts, often crying for no apparent reason.
They have more affairs than
average, which suggests a further diversion of time and resources.
Dependability and stability are
personal qualities that signal increased likelihood that a woman's
resources will not be drained by the man.
Some behavior that reflects
emotional stability involves resiliency, such as not complaining or showing consideration for others in a trying situation. Other emotionally stable behavior relates to work, such as staying home to finish work when
everyone else is going out or putting all one's energy into a job rather
than expressing anxiety about it. This kind of behavior signals an ability
to work steadily, to rely on personal resources to cope with stresses and
setbacks, and to expend personal resources for the benefit of others
even under adverse conditions.
{Едно време ги имах тея качества и все още мога да ги приложа, ама ся предпочитам да си "използвам ресурсите за мои си ползи", не в "полза на другите". 😒 }
Unstable behavior reflects an inability to command personal resources, such as worrying over something that one
can do nothing about, breaking down when a problem arises, or getting upset about the work that needs to be done instead of doing it.
This behavior signals inefficiency in working, difficulty in handling
stress, a proclivity to inflict costs on others, and a lack of personal
reserve to channel benefits to others.
6. Intelligence
Intelligence is a
good predictor of the possession of economic resources within the
United States.
{Ресурси, Ресурси, Ресурси! 😄 }
People who test high go to better schools, get more years
of education, and ultimately get higher paying jobs. Even within particular profeSSions, such as construction and carpentry, intelligence predicts
who will advance more rapidly to positions of power and who will command higher incomes.
If intelligence has been a reliable predictor of economic resources
over human evolutionary history, then women could have evolved a preference for this quality in a potential marriage partner. The international
study on choosing a mate found that women indeed rate education and
intelligence fifth out of eighteen desirable characteristics. Ranked in a
smaller list of thirteen desirable characteristics, intelligence emerges in
second place worldwide.
The quality of intelligence signals many potential benefits. These are
likely to include good parenting skills, capacity for cultural knowledge,
and adeptness at parenting. In addition, intelligence is linked with oral
fluency, ability to influence other members of a group, prescience in
forecasting danger, and judgment in applying health remedies. Beyond
these specific qualities, intelligence conveys the ability to solve problems. Women who select more intelligent mates are more likely to
become the beneficiaries of all ofthese critical resources.
{С други думи искат некой дето да им "решава проблемите"... 😒 }
Contrast these benefits with the costs imposed by the behavior ofless
intelligent people. Their behavior includes failing to pick up subtle hints
from others, missing a joke that everyone else gets, and saying the wrong
thing at the wrong time, all of which suggest a lack of social adeptness.
Less intelligent people repeat mistakes, suggesting that they have less
ability to learn from experience. They also fail to follow simple verbal
instructions, fail to grasp explanations, and argue when they are obviously wrong. This behavior implies that unintelligent mates are poor
problem solvers, unreliable workers, and social liabilities. All these costs
are incurred by those who choose less intelligent partners.
{Хм, аз съм "ненадежден бачкатор" и "кърлеж за обществото" - означава ли туй, че не съм ентелегентен!? 😨 }
Ancestral women who preferred intelligent mates would have raised
their odds of securing social, material, and economic resources for
themselves and for their children. Since intelligence is moderately heritable, these favorable qualities would have been passed on genetically to
their sons and daughters, providing an added benefit. Modem women
across all cultures display these preferences.
A mate who is too discrepant from oneselfin intelligence, however, is
less desirable than a mate who is matched for intelligence. A person of
average intelligence typically does not desire a brilliant mate, for example. Similarity, therefore, is critical for successful mating.
7. Compatibility
Successful long-term mating requires a sustained cooperative
alliance with another person for mutually beneficial goals. Relationships riddled with conflict impede the attainment of those goals. Compatibility between mates entails a complex mesh between two different kinds of characteristics.
One kind involves complementary traits, or a
mate's possession of resources and skills that differ from one's own, in a
kind of division of labor between the sexes. Both persons benefit
through this specialization and division.
The other kinds of traits crucial to compatibility with a mate, however, are those that are most likely to mesh cooperatively with one's own
particular personal characteristics and thus are most similar to one's
own. Discrepancies between the values, interests, and personalities of
the members of a couple produce strife and conflict.
Both in the United States and worldwide, men and
women who are similar to each other on a wide variety of characteristics
tend to get married.
{Явно ако реша след 10+ години да се заженвам, ще требе да търся "енвеститорки". 🤔 Т.е. "еврейки", както си и планирах.}
Mismatches on these values are likely to lead to conflict.
People also desire mates who are similar in race, ethnicity, and religion.
Couples desire and marry mates of similar intelligence, on which
spouses correlate +.40. In addition, similarity matters in personality
characteristics such as extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, which show correlations between spouses of +.25. People like
mates who share their inclination toward parties if they are extraverted
and toward quiet evenings at home if they are introverted. People who
are characteristically open to experience prefer mates who share their
interest in fine wines, art, literature, and exotic foods. Conscientious
people prefer mates who share their interest in paying bills on time and
saving for the future. Less conscientious people prefer mates who share
their interest in living for the moment.
Perhaps more important, matched couples maximize the smooth
coordination of their efforts when pursuing mutual goals such as child
rearing, maintaining kin alliances, and social networking. A couple at
odds over how to rear their child wastes valuable energy and also confuses the child, who receives contradictory messages. The search for
similarity prevents couples from incurring these costs.
By seeking similarity, individuals avoid wasting time and money
courting people who are out of their reach. Competing for a mate who
exceeds one's own value entails the risk of eventual abandonment by
the partner whose mating options are more expansive. Dissimilar relationships tend to break up because the more desirable partner can
strike a better bargain elsewhere.
8. Size and Strength
When the great basketball player Magic Johnson revealed that he had
slept with thousands ofwomen, he inadvertently revealed women's preference for mates who display physical and athletic prowess. The numbers may be shocking, but the preference is not.
Physical characteristics,
such as athleticism, size, and strength, convey important information
that women use in making a mating decision.
Analogously, one benefit to women of permanent mating is the physical protection a man can offer. A man's size, strength, and physical
prowess are cues to solutions to the problem of protection. The evidence shows that women's preferences in a mate embody these cues. In
the study of temporary and permanent mating, American women rated
the desirability or undesirability of a series of physical traits. Women
judge short men to be undesirable as a permanent mate.
In contrast,
they find it very desirable for a potential permanent mate to be tall,
physically strong, and athletic. Another group of American women consistently indicates a preference for men of average or greater than average height, roughly five feet and eleven inches, as their ideal marriage
Tall men are consistently seen as more desirable dates and
mates than men who are short or of average height. Furthermore, the
two studies of personal ads described earlier revealed that, among
women who mention height, 80 percent want a man who is six feet or
Perhaps even more telling is the finding that ads placed by taller
men receive more responses from women than those placed by shorter
Tall men date more often than short men and have a larger pool
of potential mates. Women solve the problem of protection from
aggressive men at least in part by preferring a mate who has the size,
strength, and physical prowess to protect them.
Given the alarming incidence of sexual coercion and rape in
many cultures, a mate's protection value may well remain relevant to
mate selection in modern environments. Many women simply do not
feel safe on the streets, and a strong, tall, athletic mate acts as a deterrent for sexually aggressive men.
9. Good Health
Women worldwide prefer mates who are healthy. In all thirty-seven
cultures included in the international study on choosing a mate, women
judge good health to be anywhere from important to indispensable in a
marriage partner.
In another study on American women, poor physical
conditions, ranging from bad grooming habits to a venereal disease, are
regarded as extremely undesirable characteristics in a mate.
In humans, good health may be signaled by behavior as well as by
physical appearance. A lively mood, high energy level, and sprightly gait,
for example, may be attractive precisely because they are calorically
costly and can be displayed only by people brimming with good health.
In ancestral times, four bad consequences were likely to follow if a
woman selected a mate who was unhealthy or disease-prone.
First , she
put herself and her family at risk of being contaminated by the disease.
Second , her mate was less able to perform essential functions and provide crucial benefits to her and her children, such as food, protection,
health care, and child rearing.
Third , her mate was at increased risk of
dying, prematurely cutting off the flow of resources and forcing her to
incur the costs of searching for a new mate and courting allover again.
And fourth , if health is partly heritable, she would risk passing on genes
for poor health to her children. A preference for healthy mates solves
the problem of mate survival and ensures that resources are likely to be
delivered over the long run.