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  Путкоскубач  Създадено на 29.08.2022, видяно: 807 пъти. #67216

Апропо аз понякога съм съвсем сериозен в това, което пиша. Аз специално се завърнах за да ти сипя акъл с надежда за спасение на по-младото поколение. Иначе какво да правя тук? Мога да чета хората, които принципно имат какво да кажат и без да се регистрирам.

  Един от многото  Създадено на 29.08.2022, видяно: 802 пъти. #67220

Апропо аз понякога съм съвсем сериозен в това, което пиша. Аз специално се завърнах за да ти сипя акъл с надежда за спасение на по-младото поколение. Иначе какво да правя тук? Мога да чета хората, които принципно имат какво да кажат и без да се регистрирам.

Нема надежда! Особенно за нас пишещите у форума. 😔

My picture

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 30.08.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 777 пъти. #67288

За тея дето се чудят "как и защо не ми пука за общественото мнение"! 😃

My picture
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  Евлампи  Създадено на 30.08.2022, видяно: 771 пъти. #67299
Един от многото

За тея дето се чудят "как и защо не ми пука за общественото мнение"

Има ли меме с Тачър на тема being a lady :)

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 31.08.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 734 пъти. #67461

Понеже Стюи беше тръгнал да води лекция на тема "кво искат жените". Ей кво искат подредено по приоритет (от книгата "Evolution of Desire"). Цела глава е, ама съм сложил само по-интересният текст:

What Women Want


One act of sexual intercourse, which requires minimal male investment, can produce an obligatory and energy-consuming nine-month investment by the woman that forecloses other mating opportunities. Women then bear the exclusive burden of lactation, an investment that may last as long as three or four years.

{Енвестиции батенце 😏}

The great initial parental investment ofwomen makes them a valuable, but limited, resource.3 Gestating, bearing, nursing, nurturing, and protecting a child are exceptional reproductive resources that cannot be allocated indiSCriminately. Nor can one woman dispense them to many men.

Those who hold valuable resources do not give them away cheaply or unselectively. Because women in our evolutionary past risked enormous investment as a consequence of having sex, evolution favored women who were highly selective about their mates.

Modem birth control technology has altered these costs. In today's industrial nations, women can have short-term dalliances with less fear of pregnancy. But human sexual psychology evolved over millions ofyears to cope with ancestral adaptive problems. We still possess this underlying sexual psychology, even though our environment has changed.

Components of Desire

Consider the case of an ancestral woman who is trying to decide between two men, one of whom shows great generosity with his resources to her and one of whom is stingy. Other things being equal, the generous man is more valuable to her than the stingy man. The generous man may share his meat from the hunt, aiding her survival.

He may sacrifice his time, energy, and resources for the benefit of the children, furthering the woman's reproductive success. In these respects, the generous man has higher value as a mate than the stingy man. If, over evolutionary time, generosity in men provided these benefits repeatedly and the cues to a man's generosity were observable and reliable, then selection would favor the evolution of a preference for generosity in a mate.

{Е за туй не искам да бъда харесван от жените - ни съм "щедър", ни искам да си "губя времето" 😄}

{И ся мъжките характеристики дето търсят жените - подредени по приоритети}

1. Economic Capacity {изненада 😲 мда - определено не искам да ме "харесват" жените}

The evolution ofthe female preference for males who offer resources may be the most ancient and pervasive basis for female choice in the animal kingdom.

Among humans, the evolution of women's preference for a permanent mate with resources would have required three preconditions.

First, resources would have had to be accruable, defensible, and controllable by men during human evolutionary history.

Second, men would have had to differ from each other in their holdings and their willingness to invest those holdings in a woman and her children-if all men possessed the same resources and showed an equal willingness to commit them, there would be no need for women to develop the preference for them. Constants do not count in mating decisions.

And third, the advantages of being with one man would have to outweigh the advantages of being with several men.

Men vary tremendously in the quantity of resources they command-from the poverty of the street bum to the riches of Trumps and Rockefellers. Men also differ widely in how willing they are to invest their time and resources in long-term mateships.

{аз немам грам желание да енвестирам във "сериозна връзка"... виж в ETF-и имам 😏}

Some men are cads, preferring to mate with many women while investing little in each. {Yup, that's me! 😄}

Other men are dads, channeling all of their resources to one woman and her children.

Women over human evolutionary history could often garner far more resources for their children through a single spouse than through several temporary sex partners.

So the stage was set for women to evolve a preference for men with resources.

But women needed cues to signal a man's possession of those resources. These cues might be indirect, such as personality characteristics that signaled a man's upward mobility. They might be physical, such as a man's athletic ability or health. They might include reputational information, such as the esteem in which a man was held by his peers. Economic resources, however, provide the most direct cue.

Personal ads in newspapers and magazines confirm that women who are actually in the marriage market desire financial resources. A study of 1,111 personal ads found that female advertisers seek financial resources roughly eleven times as often as male advertisers do.

2. Social Status

Traditional hunter-gatherer societies, which are our closest gUide to what ancestral conditions were probably like, suggest that ancestral men had clearly defined status hierarchies, with resources flowing freely to those at the top and trickling slowly to those at the bottom.

{Не баш - мож да си погромист и да взимаш 20k, и да си Program меринджей и да взимаш 7-8k. Тва + факта, че жените ще ме харесват по-малко ако не се бутам да ставам "голем шеф" ме мотивира да си остана погромист стига да има кинта. 😁}

Women desire men who command a high position in society because social status is a universal cue to the control of resources.

Along with status come better food, more abundant territory, and superior health care. Greater social status bestows on children social opportunities missed by the children of lower-ranked males. For male children worldwide, access to more mates and better quality mates typically accompanies families of higher social status.

{🤔 Макар, че реално погледнато - догодина като почна да се продавам B2B и си направя фирма за недвижими имоти, ще съм "шеф" и ще "хвана интереса на некви потки"... 😒 абе "нема идеално щастие", но ще се съпротивлявам - Money Over Bitches и тва е.}

Women in the United States do not hesitate to express a preference for mates who have high social status or a high-status profession, qualities that are viewed as only slightly less important than good financial prospects.

American women also place great value on education and professional degrees in mates---characteristics that are strongly linked with social status. The same study found that women rate lack of education as highly undesirable in a potential husband.

The cliche that women prefer to marry doctors, lawyers, professors, and other professionals seems to correspond with reality. Women shun men who are easily dominated by other men or who fail to command the respect of the group.

Women's desire for status shows up in everyday occurrences. A colleague overheard a conversation among four women at a restaurant. They were all complaining that there were no eligible men around. Yet these women were surrounded by male waiters, none of whom was wearing a wedding ring. Waiters, who do not have a high-status occupation, were apparently not even considered by these women. What they meant was not that there were no eligible men, but that there were no eligible men of acceptable social status.

3. Age

In all thirty-seven cultures included in the international study on choosing a mate, women prefer men who are older than they are. Averaged over all cultures, women prefer men who are roughly three and a half years older.

The smallest preferred age difference is seen in French Canadian women, who seek husbands who are not quite two years older, and the largest is found among Iranian women, who seek husbands who are more than five years older.

The worldwide average age difference between actual brides and grooms is three years, suggesting that women's marriage decisions often match their mating preferences.

To understand why women value older mates, we must tum to the things that change with age. One ofthe most consistent changes is access to resources. In contemporary Western societies, income generally increases with age.

American men who are thirty years old, for example, make fourteen thousand dollars more than men who are twenty; men who are forty make seven thousand dollars more than men who are thirty.

{Пак опира до парите - дейба и златотърсачките дейба! 😄}

Women may prefer older men for reasons other than tangible resources. Older men are likely to be more mature, more stable, and more reliable in their provisioning. Within the United States, for example, men become somewhat more emotionally stable, more conscientious, and more dependable as they grow older, at least up through the age of thirty.

One reason that young women are not drawn to substantially older men may be that older men have a higher risk of dying and hence are less likely to be around to continue contributing to the provisioning and protection of children. Furthermore, the potential incompatibility created by a large age discrepancy may lead to strife, thus increasing the odds of divorce. For these reasons, young women may be drawn more to men a few years older who have considerable promise, rather than to substantially older men who already have attained a higher position but have a less certain future.

{А бе нз, колко е верно туй - един мутра-имотен тарикат дето е на 4-та жена в момента (и има 8 деца) е на 50+ години, а жена му на 25. Явно има и изключения.}

Other exceptions occur when women mate with substantially younger men. Many of these cases occur not because of strong preferences by women for younger men but rather because both older women and younger men lack bargaining power on the mating market. Older women often cannot secure the attentions of high-status men and so must settle for younger men, who themselves have not acquired much status or value as mates.

{Баш случая на брокера ми (дето нема собствен апартамент и не е напред с парите) - на 33, а с неква дебеличка 40+ годишна. И двамата са "вървежни". 😅}

Still other exceptions occur among women who already have high status and plentiful resources of their own and then take up with much younger men. But these cases are rare, because most women with resources prefer to mate with men at least as rich in resources as they are, and preferably more SO. Women may mate temporarily with a younger man, but typically they seek an older man when they decide to settle down in marriage.

All these cues-economic resources, social status, and older age add up to one thing: the ability of a man to acquire and control resources that women can use for themselves and for their children.

  Един от многото  Създадено на 31.08.2022, видяно: 729 пъти. #67462

Хах, ся докат го пиша тва неква "медицинска сестра" почна ми like-ва некви снимки у Face-a. 😒 Сигурно после ще се чуди "Бе тоя що не ми пише?"

Щото не ми се "участва в играта". Участва ми се в "правенето на пари". Мое и пратим Захата, да играят мач. 😁

И ай още малко - по-ниско приоритетни характеристики на мъжете:

4. Ambition and Industriousness

The industriousness tactic included actions such as putting in extra time and effort at work, managing time efficiently, prioritizing goals, and working hard to impress others.

{Подчертавам - аз пиша статии, водя събития и др. за да "впечатля бъдещи работодатели". Ако некой друг се впечатлява е "просто side effect". 😑}

Next, we correlated this information with their past income and promotions and with their anticipated income and promotions to see which tactics for getting ahead were most successfully linked with actual measures of getting ahead.

Among all the tactics, sheer hard work proved to be one of the best predictors of past and anticipated income and promotions. Those who said that they worked hard, and whose spouses agreed that they worked hard, achieved higher levels of education, higher annual salaries, and anticipated greater salaries and promotions than those who failed to work hard. Industrious and ambitious men secure a higher occupational status than lazy, unmotivated men do.

{Бе не баш - ако си мързелив, но знаеш кво правиш, може да постигнеш повече от "тъпак бачкатор". Тарикатите отдавна са го научили тоя урок. 😃}

American women seem to be aware of this connection, because they indicate a desire for men who show the characteristics linked with getting ahead.

Women in the overwhelming majority of cultures value ambition and industry more than men do, typically rating it as between important and indispensable.

In Taiwan, for example, women rate ambition and industriousness as 26 percent more important than men do; women from Bulgaria rate it as 29 percent more important; and women from Brazil rate it as 30 percent more important.

{Е за тва обяснявам на всички (особенно на жени), че съм "мързелив и немам планове за живота" - не искам да "проявяват интерес" 😃}

5. Dependability and Stability

Among the eighteen characteristics rated in the worldwide study on choosing a mate, the second and third most highly valued characteristics, after love, are a dependable character and emotional stability or maturity.

These characteristics may possess such a great value worldwide because they are reliable signals that resources will be provided consistently over time. Undependable people, in contrast, provide erratically and inflict heavy costs on their mates.

{Пак опираме до "паричките" 😁 За това и съм "силно ненадежден" човек.}

Emotionally unstable men-as defined by themselves, their spouses, and their interviewers-are especially costly to women.

First, they tend to be selfcentered and monopolize shared resources. Furthermore, they tend to be possessive, monopolizing much of the time of their wives.

They show higher than average sexual jealousy, becoming enraged when their wives even talk with someone else.

They show dependency, insisting that their mates provide for all of their needs.

They tend to be abusive both verbally and physically. They display inconsiderateness, such as by failing to show up on time.

And they are moodier than their more stable counterparts, often crying for no apparent reason.

They have more affairs than average, which suggests a further diversion of time and resources.

Dependability and stability are personal qualities that signal increased likelihood that a woman's resources will not be drained by the man.

Some behavior that reflects emotional stability involves resiliency, such as not complaining or showing consideration for others in a trying situation. Other emotionally stable behavior relates to work, such as staying home to finish work when everyone else is going out or putting all one's energy into a job rather than expressing anxiety about it. This kind of behavior signals an ability to work steadily, to rely on personal resources to cope with stresses and setbacks, and to expend personal resources for the benefit of others even under adverse conditions.

{Едно време ги имах тея качества и все още мога да ги приложа, ама ся предпочитам да си "използвам ресурсите за мои си ползи", не в "полза на другите". 😒}

Unstable behavior reflects an inability to command personal resources, such as worrying over something that one can do nothing about, breaking down when a problem arises, or getting upset about the work that needs to be done instead of doing it. This behavior signals inefficiency in working, difficulty in handling stress, a proclivity to inflict costs on others, and a lack of personal reserve to channel benefits to others.

6. Intelligence

Intelligence is a good predictor of the possession of economic resources within the United States.

{Ресурси, Ресурси, Ресурси! 😄}

People who test high go to better schools, get more years of education, and ultimately get higher paying jobs. Even within particular profeSSions, such as construction and carpentry, intelligence predicts who will advance more rapidly to positions of power and who will command higher incomes.

If intelligence has been a reliable predictor of economic resources over human evolutionary history, then women could have evolved a preference for this quality in a potential marriage partner. The international study on choosing a mate found that women indeed rate education and intelligence fifth out of eighteen desirable characteristics. Ranked in a smaller list of thirteen desirable characteristics, intelligence emerges in second place worldwide.

The quality of intelligence signals many potential benefits. These are likely to include good parenting skills, capacity for cultural knowledge, and adeptness at parenting. In addition, intelligence is linked with oral fluency, ability to influence other members of a group, prescience in forecasting danger, and judgment in applying health remedies. Beyond these specific qualities, intelligence conveys the ability to solve problems. Women who select more intelligent mates are more likely to become the beneficiaries of all ofthese critical resources.

{С други думи искат некой дето да им "решава проблемите"... 😒}

Contrast these benefits with the costs imposed by the behavior ofless intelligent people. Their behavior includes failing to pick up subtle hints from others, missing a joke that everyone else gets, and saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, all of which suggest a lack of social adeptness. Less intelligent people repeat mistakes, suggesting that they have less ability to learn from experience. They also fail to follow simple verbal instructions, fail to grasp explanations, and argue when they are obviously wrong. This behavior implies that unintelligent mates are poor problem solvers, unreliable workers, and social liabilities. All these costs are incurred by those who choose less intelligent partners.

{Хм, аз съм "ненадежден бачкатор" и "кърлеж за обществото" - означава ли туй, че не съм ентелегентен!? 😨}

Ancestral women who preferred intelligent mates would have raised their odds of securing social, material, and economic resources for themselves and for their children. Since intelligence is moderately heritable, these favorable qualities would have been passed on genetically to their sons and daughters, providing an added benefit. Modem women across all cultures display these preferences.

A mate who is too discrepant from oneselfin intelligence, however, is less desirable than a mate who is matched for intelligence. A person of average intelligence typically does not desire a brilliant mate, for example. Similarity, therefore, is critical for successful mating.

7. Compatibility

Successful long-term mating requires a sustained cooperative alliance with another person for mutually beneficial goals. Relationships riddled with conflict impede the attainment of those goals. Compatibility between mates entails a complex mesh between two different kinds of characteristics.

One kind involves complementary traits, or a mate's possession of resources and skills that differ from one's own, in a kind of division of labor between the sexes. Both persons benefit through this specialization and division.

The other kinds of traits crucial to compatibility with a mate, however, are those that are most likely to mesh cooperatively with one's own particular personal characteristics and thus are most similar to one's own. Discrepancies between the values, interests, and personalities of the members of a couple produce strife and conflict.

Both in the United States and worldwide, men and women who are similar to each other on a wide variety of characteristics tend to get married.

{Явно ако реша след 10+ години да се заженвам, ще требе да търся "енвеститорки". 🤔 Т.е. "еврейки", както си и планирах.}

Mismatches on these values are likely to lead to conflict. People also desire mates who are similar in race, ethnicity, and religion. Couples desire and marry mates of similar intelligence, on which spouses correlate +.40. In addition, similarity matters in personality characteristics such as extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, which show correlations between spouses of +.25. People like mates who share their inclination toward parties if they are extraverted and toward quiet evenings at home if they are introverted. People who are characteristically open to experience prefer mates who share their interest in fine wines, art, literature, and exotic foods. Conscientious people prefer mates who share their interest in paying bills on time and saving for the future. Less conscientious people prefer mates who share their interest in living for the moment.

Perhaps more important, matched couples maximize the smooth coordination of their efforts when pursuing mutual goals such as child rearing, maintaining kin alliances, and social networking. A couple at odds over how to rear their child wastes valuable energy and also confuses the child, who receives contradictory messages. The search for similarity prevents couples from incurring these costs.

By seeking similarity, individuals avoid wasting time and money courting people who are out of their reach. Competing for a mate who exceeds one's own value entails the risk of eventual abandonment by the partner whose mating options are more expansive. Dissimilar relationships tend to break up because the more desirable partner can strike a better bargain elsewhere.

8. Size and Strength

When the great basketball player Magic Johnson revealed that he had slept with thousands ofwomen, he inadvertently revealed women's preference for mates who display physical and athletic prowess. The numbers may be shocking, but the preference is not.

Physical characteristics, such as athleticism, size, and strength, convey important information that women use in making a mating decision.

Analogously, one benefit to women of permanent mating is the physical protection a man can offer. A man's size, strength, and physical prowess are cues to solutions to the problem of protection. The evidence shows that women's preferences in a mate embody these cues. In the study of temporary and permanent mating, American women rated the desirability or undesirability of a series of physical traits. Women judge short men to be undesirable as a permanent mate.

In contrast, they find it very desirable for a potential permanent mate to be tall, physically strong, and athletic. Another group of American women consistently indicates a preference for men of average or greater than average height, roughly five feet and eleven inches, as their ideal marriage partner.

Tall men are consistently seen as more desirable dates and mates than men who are short or of average height. Furthermore, the two studies of personal ads described earlier revealed that, among women who mention height, 80 percent want a man who is six feet or taller.

Perhaps even more telling is the finding that ads placed by taller men receive more responses from women than those placed by shorter men.

Tall men date more often than short men and have a larger pool of potential mates. Women solve the problem of protection from aggressive men at least in part by preferring a mate who has the size, strength, and physical prowess to protect them.

Given the alarming incidence of sexual coercion and rape in many cultures, a mate's protection value may well remain relevant to mate selection in modern environments. Many women simply do not feel safe on the streets, and a strong, tall, athletic mate acts as a deterrent for sexually aggressive men.

9. Good Health

Women worldwide prefer mates who are healthy. In all thirty-seven cultures included in the international study on choosing a mate, women judge good health to be anywhere from important to indispensable in a marriage partner.

In another study on American women, poor physical conditions, ranging from bad grooming habits to a venereal disease, are regarded as extremely undesirable characteristics in a mate.

In humans, good health may be signaled by behavior as well as by physical appearance. A lively mood, high energy level, and sprightly gait, for example, may be attractive precisely because they are calorically costly and can be displayed only by people brimming with good health.

In ancestral times, four bad consequences were likely to follow if a woman selected a mate who was unhealthy or disease-prone.

First, she put herself and her family at risk of being contaminated by the disease.

Second, her mate was less able to perform essential functions and provide crucial benefits to her and her children, such as food, protection, health care, and child rearing.

Third, her mate was at increased risk of dying, prematurely cutting off the flow of resources and forcing her to incur the costs of searching for a new mate and courting allover again.

And fourth, if health is partly heritable, she would risk passing on genes for poor health to her children. A preference for healthy mates solves the problem of mate survival and ensures that resources are likely to be delivered over the long run.

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 31.08.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 729 пъти. #67463

10. Love and Commitment

{🤔 Хах - любовта е на последно място. За тва уважавам жените - практични са! А коврите уважавам още повече, понеже са осъзнали истинската си същност "продават секс за пари". 😄}

A man's possession of such assets as health, status, and resources, however, still does not guarantee his willingness to commit them to a particular woman and her children.

Indeed, some men show a tremendous reluctance to marry, preferring to play the field and to seek a series of temporary sex partners.

{Аха - аз! 😎}

Women deride men for this hesitancy, calling them "commitment dodgers," "commitment phobics," "paranoid about commitment," and "fearful of the M word."

And women's anger is reasonable. Given the tremendous costs women incur because of sex, pregnancy, and childbirth, it is reasonable for them to require commitment from a man in return.

Women past and present face the adaptive problem of choosing men who not only have the necessary resources but also show a willingness to commit those resources to them and their children. This problem may be more difficult than it seems at first. Although resources can often be directly observed, commitment cannot be. Instead, gauging commitment requires looking for cues that signal the likelihood of fidelity in the channeling of resources. Love is one of the most important cues to commitment.

Commitment, however, has many facets. One major component of commitment is fidelity, exemplified by the act of remaining faithful to a partner when they are separated. Fidelity signals the exclusive commitment of sexual resources to a single partner. Another aspect of commitment is the channeling of resources to the loved one, such as buying her an expensive gift or ring. Acts such as this signal a serious intention to commit economic resources to a long-term relationship. Emotional support is yet another facet of commitment, revealed by such behavior as being available in times of trouble and listening to the partner's problems.

Commitment entails a channeling of time, energy, and effort to the partner's needs at the expense of fulfilling one's own personal goals.

{ей тва мразя - личните ми цели Uber Alles! Хем да харча пари, хем време, хем нерви, че и да си забравя плановете - просто нема как да стане...}

Two additional personal characteristics, kindness and sincerity, are critical to securing long-term commitment.

{не съм мил човек, но пък съм честен... даже май прекалено много. Но пък съм учтив - стига да не ме дразнят!}

Sincerity in personal advertisements is a code word for commitment, used by women to screen out men seeking casual sex without any commitment.

People worldwide depend on kindness from their mates. As shown by the international study on choosing a mate, women have a strong preference for mates who are kind and understanding.

Kindness is an enduring personality characteristic that has many components, but at the core of all of them is the commitment of resources. The trait signals an empathy toward children, a willingness to put a mate's needs before one's own, and a willingness to channel energy and effort toward a mate's goals rather than exclusively and selfishly to one's own goalS. Kindness, in other words, signals the ability and willingness of a potential mate to commit energy and resources selflessly to a partner.

{е баш за тва не съм мил човек}

The lack of kindness signals selfishness, an inability or unwillingness to commit, and a high likelihood that costs will be inflicted on a spouse. The study of newlyweds, for example, identified unkind men on the basis of their self-assessment, their wives' assessment, and the judgment of male and female interviewers, and then examined the wives' complaints about these husbands. Women married to unkind men complain that their spouses abuse them both verbally and physically by bitting, slapping, or spitting at them.

Unkind men tend to be condescending, putting down their wife's opinions as stupid or inferior. They are selfish, monopolizing shared resources.

They are inconsiderate, failing to do any housework. They are neglectful, failing to show up as promised.

Finally, they have more extramarital affairs, suggesting that these men are unable or unwilling to commit to a monogamous relationship.

Unkind men look out for themselves, and have trouble committing to anything much beyond that.

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 02.09.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 674 пъти. #67571

Ей за туй и не бързам (освен когато burnout-вам с кеф) - Charlie Munger го е казал:

Charlie: "Part of the reason we have a decent record is that we pick things that are easy. Other people think they're so smart, they can take on things that are really difficult, and that proves to be dangerous.

You have to be very patient, you have to wait until something comes along, which, at the price you're paying, is easy. That's contrary to human nature, just to sit there all day long doing nothing, waiting. It's easy for us, we have a lot of other things to do. But for an ordinary person, can you imagine just sitting for five years doing nothing? You don't feel active, you don't feel useful, so you do something stupid".

1.2. "Going passive is an active decision

Human nature is to extrapolate the recent past. It is easy to see, given the strong performance of US equities in both absolute and relative terms, why many are suggesting they are the only asset you need to own. And the cheapest way of owning them is passively.

However, the decision to be passive is still an active decision - and we would suggest one with important risks that investors are not paying adequate attention to today. As more and more investors turn to passively-managed mandates, the opportunity set for active management increases.

A decision to allocate to a passive S&P 500 index is to say that you are ignoring what we believe is the most important determinant of long-term returns: valuation. At this point, you are no longer entitled to refer to yourself as an investor. You may call yourself a speculator, but not an investor.

Going passive eliminates the ability of an active investor to underweight the most egregiously overpriced securities in the index (we obviously prefer a valuation-based approach for stock selection as well). When faced with the third most expensive US equity market of all time, maintaining a normal weight in a passive index seems to us to be a decision that will likely be very costly".

1.3. "In absolute terms, the opportunity set is extremely challenging. However, when assets are priced for perfection as they currently are, it takes very little disappointment to lead to significant shifts in the pricing of assets.

Hence our advice (and positioning) is to hold significant amounts of dry powder, recalling the immortal advice of Winnie-the-Pooh, “Never underestimate the value of doing nothing” or, if you prefer, remember - when there is nothing to do, do nothing".

Може да съм пасивен за ся, но инвестирам в себе си и скоро ще инвестирам и в имоти отново (догодина) и лека полека ще гледам да се позиционирам така, че да стана RE fund manager след години. Но с по-рядки и по-големи стъпки (по-скоро скокове).

Но за ся следвам философията "Да не правя нищо", включително да не сменям работа. 😎

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 04.09.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 612 пъти. #67815

Понеже отдавна не съм post-вал цитат или умозаключение в тая тема - ето нещо за мотивация:

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  Един от многото  Създадено на 04.09.2022, видяно: 611 пъти. #67816

Айде, още една! 😄

My picture

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 05.09.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 576 пъти. #67883

Ей, явно верно има глад и за IT лектори:

My picture

Ще приема поканата утре и ще подготвя неква Google Cloud архитектурка за Machine Learning - нещо basic, ама да се въртят лайната и да се кефят хората.

Ся уча Google Cloud и ми гърми главата, ама лека полека вдявам. Почнаха да ми идват и идеи за статии тая есен и зима.

Ама тея "Redbull без захар" наркотици яко ма убиват. 😩

П.П. Изпуснах си тренировката по бокс днеска. 😪 Ама с туй натоварване дето си причинявам - разбираемо. От залата ми викаха да ходя по 3-4 пъти седмично, ама покрай тея лекции, изпити и др. ще ги намаля на 2 ходения - той GP-то вика да спра да тренирам за месец, та и туй ми е много.

Ама е тва е - предпочитам да пукна от инфаркт "на гребена на вълната" отколкото "в безтегловност" в присъствие на мрънкаща жена и късащи нервите дечурлига. Хората викат, че братя Илиеви "умрели млади" - аз мисля, че са си "поживяли". 😏

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  Rabin  Създадено на 06.09.2022, видяно: 549 пъти. #67911
Един от многото

Ей, явно верно има глад и за IT лектори:

My picture

Ще приема поканата утре и ще подготвя неква Google Cloud архитектурка за Machine Learning - нещо basic, ама да се въртят лайната и да се кефят хората.

Ся уча Google Cloud и ми гърми главата, ама лека полека вдявам. Почнаха да ми идват и идеи за статии тая есен и зима.

Ама тея "Redbull без захар" наркотици яко ма убиват. 😩

П.П. Изпуснах си тренировката по бокс днеска. 😪 Ама с туй натоварване дето си причинявам - разбираемо. От залата ми викаха да ходя по 3-4 пъти седмично, ама покрай тея лекции, изпити и др. ще ги намаля на 2 ходения - той GP-то вика да спра да тренирам за месец, та и туй ми е много.

Ама е тва е - предпочитам да пукна от инфаркт "на гребена на вълната" отколкото "в безтегловност" в присъствие на мрънкаща жена и късащи нервите дечурлига. Хората викат, че братя Илиеви "умрели млади" - аз мисля, че са си "поживяли". 😏

Пусни неко видео ве!

С тия клаудове кво толкоз ви омайват, я раздуй кво различно има от PaaS и IaaS, че отдавна не съм в час. Пробвал съм им виртуалките, нищо особено.

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 06.09.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 528 пъти. #67915

Малко мотивация от Тъпак:

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  Един от многото  Създадено на 06.09.2022, видяно: 527 пъти. #67916
Един от многото

Ей, явно верно има глад и за IT лектори:

My picture

Ще приема поканата утре и ще подготвя неква Google Cloud архитектурка за Machine Learning - нещо basic, ама да се въртят лайната и да се кефят хората.

Ся уча Google Cloud и ми гърми главата, ама лека полека вдявам. Почнаха да ми идват и идеи за статии тая есен и зима.

Ама тея "Redbull без захар" наркотици яко ма убиват. 😩

П.П. Изпуснах си тренировката по бокс днеска. 😪 Ама с туй натоварване дето си причинявам - разбираемо. От залата ми викаха да ходя по 3-4 пъти седмично, ама покрай тея лекции, изпити и др. ще ги намаля на 2 ходения - той GP-то вика да спра да тренирам за месец, та и туй ми е много.

Ама е тва е - предпочитам да пукна от инфаркт "на гребена на вълната" отколкото "в безтегловност" в присъствие на мрънкаща жена и късащи нервите дечурлига. Хората викат, че братя Илиеви "умрели млади" - аз мисля, че са си "поживяли". 😏

Пусни неко видео ве!

С тия клаудове кво толкоз ви омайват, я раздуй кво различно има от PaaS и IaaS, че отдавна не съм в час. Пробвал съм им виртуалките, нищо особено.

Ем аз напусках в темата за заплатите - и тука ли да пускам? 😒 Айде ето:

"Тазгодишната лекция по Deep Learning"

"Некогашно видео за Cloud Design Patterns"

  Един от многото  Създадено на 06.09.2022, видяно: 524 пъти. #67917

🤔 Впрочем сега загледах публичните представяния на един авер, дето стана доктор на науките по "Изкуствен интелект", и гледам - участвал в 3 podcast-a и дал 2 интервюта за "селски телевизии".

И на пръв поглед, изглежда "големо постижение", ама за тва дойде на лекцията ми за Deep Learning да гепи квот може, щот ся ще му е първото събитие "пред публика". Щото едно е да лаладжийстваш пред 3 podcast-ъра или неква готина журналистка, друго е пред цело село.

И аз така навремето отидох на лекция на Ради Атанасов да гепя материал - той човека май беше пил до късно с некви авери, ама си проведе лекцията ОК. Некой ден ще стигна нивото и аз да се напивам преди лекции. 😄 Ама туй по университетите го владеят - не съм на тва ниво.

  Rabin  Създадено на 06.09.2022, видяно: 523 пъти. #67920
Един от многото

Ем аз напусках в темата за заплатите - и тука ли да пускам? 😒 Айде ето:

"Тазгодишната лекция по Deep Learning"

"Некогашно видео за Cloud Design Patterns"

Ти ли си тоя Евгени?

  Един от многото  Създадено на 06.09.2022, видяно: 497 пъти. #67929
Един от многото

Ем аз напусках в темата за заплатите - и тука ли да пускам? 😒 Айде ето:

"Тазгодишната лекция по Deep Learning"

"Некогашно видео за Cloud Design Patterns"

Ти ли си тоя Евгени?

Мда - за жалост аз. Щеше ми се да съм по-черен, ама уви. 😔 Нищо, поне зная, че съм "негър отвътре".

  Путкоскубач  Създадено на 06.09.2022, видяно: 486 пъти. #67933
Един от многото

Щеше ми се да съм по-черен, ама уви. 😔 Нищо, поне зная, че съм "негър отвътре".

Важното е да се чувстваш негър в гащите, отвътре ако си негър най-много да ти се прияде диня с пържено пиле.

  Един от многото  Създадено на 06.09.2022, видяно: 484 пъти. #67935
Един от многото

Щеше ми се да съм по-черен, ама уви. 😔 Нищо, поне зная, че съм "негър отвътре".

Важното е да се чувстваш негър в гащите, отвътре ако си негър най-много да ти се прияде диня с пържено пиле.

Не обичам диня - явно не съм негър. 😥

  Rabin  Създадено на 07.09.2022, видяно: 460 пъти. #67983
Един от многото
Един от многото

Ем аз напусках в темата за заплатите - и тука ли да пускам? 😒 Айде ето:

"Тазгодишната лекция по Deep Learning"

"Некогашно видео за Cloud Design Patterns"

Ти ли си тоя Евгени?

Мда - за жалост аз. Щеше ми се да съм по-черен, ама уви. 😔 Нищо, поне зная, че съм "негър отвътре".

Браво, курсчетата са полезни. Само да не ти забиваше постоянно видеото, напредналите си турят отделен комп само да кодира видеото в реално време.

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