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Цитати от книги + умозаключения


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  Един от многото  Създадено на 22.11.2022, видяно: 1674 пъти. #76066

In 1762, Catherine, wife of Czar Peter III, staged a coup against her ineffectual husband and proclaimed herself empress of Russia. Over the next few years Catherine ruled alone, but kept a series of lovers. The Russians called these men the vremienchiki, "the men of the moment," and in 1774 the man of the moment was Gregory Potemkin, a thirty-five-year-old lieutenant, ten years younger than Catherine, and a most unlikely candidate for the role.


He quickly became the love of her life. Catherine promoted Potemkin higher and higher in the hierarchy, eventually making him the governor of White Russia, a large southwestern area including the Ukraine. As governor, Potemkin had to leave St. Petersburg and go to live in the south.


Catherine's dream was to start a war with Turkey, recapture Constantinople for the Orthodox Church, and drive the Turks out of Europe. She offered to share this crusade with the young Hapsburg emperor, Joseph II, but Joseph never quite brought himself to sign the treaty that would unite them in war. Growing impatient, in 1783 Catherine annexed the Crimea, a southern peninsula that was mostly populated by Muslim Tartars. She asked Potemkin to do there what he had already managed to do in the Ukraine— rid the area of bandits, build roads, modernize the ports, bring prosperity to the poor. Once he had cleaned it up, the Crimea would make the perfect launching post for the war against Turkey.

The Crimea was a backward wasteland, but Potemkin loved the challenge. Getting to work on a hundred different projects, he grew intoxicated with visions of the miracles he would perform there.


The empress was delighted, but her ministers were skeptical—Potemkin loved to talk. Ignoring their warnings, in 1787 Catherine arranged for a tour of the area. She asked Joseph II to join her—he would be so impressed with the modernization of the Crimea that he would immediately sign on for the war against Turkey. Potemkin, naturally, was to organize the whole affair.

And so, in May of that year, after the Dnieper had thawed, Catherine prepared for a journey from Kiev, in the Ukraine, to Sebastopol, in the Crimea. Potemkin arranged for seven floating palaces to carry Catherine and her retinue down the river.

The journey began, and as Catherine, Joseph, and the courtiers looked at the shores to either side, they saw triumphal arches in front of clean-looking towns, their walls freshly painted; healthy-looking cattle grazing in the pastures; streams of marching troops on the roads; buildings going up everywhere.

At dusk they were entertained by bright-costumed peasants, and smiling girls with flowers in their hair, dancing on the shore. Catherine had traveled through this area many years before, and the poverty of the peasantry there had saddened her—she had determined then that she would somehow change their lot.

To see before her eyes the signs of such a transformation overwhelmed her, and she berated Potemkin's critics: Look at what my favorite has accomplished, look at these miracles!

They anchored at three towns along the way, staying in each place in a magnificent, newly built palace with artificial waterfalls in the English-style gardens. On land they moved through villages with vibrant marketplaces; the peasants were happily at work, building and repairing.

Everywhere they spent the night, some spectacle filled their eyes—dances, parades, mythological tableaux vivants, artificial volcanoes illuminating Moorish gardens. Finally, at the end of the trip, in the palace at Sebastopol, Catherine and express realized before him Joseph discussed the war with Turkey. Joseph reiterated his concerns.

Suddenly Potemkin interrupted:

"I have 100,000 troops waiting for me to say 'Go!' "

At that moment the windows of the palace were flung open, and to the sounds of booming cannons they saw lines of troops as far as the eye could see, and a fleet of ships filling the harbor. Awed by the sight, images of Eastern European cities retaken from the Turks dancing in his mind, Joseph II finally signed the treaty. Catherine was ecstatic, and her love for Potemkin reached new heights. He had made her dreams come true. Catherine never suspected that almost everything she had seen was pure fakery, perhaps the most elaborate illusion ever conjured up by one man.


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In the four years that he had been governor of the Crimea, Potemkin had accomplished little, for this backwater would take decades to improve.

But in the few months before Catherine's visit he had done the following: every building that faced the road or the shore was given a fresh coat of paint; artificial trees were set up to hide unseemly spots in the view; broken roofs were repaired with flimsy boards painted to look like tile;

everyone the party would see was instructed to wear their best clothes and look happy; everyone old and infirm was to stay indoors. Floating in their palaces down the Dnieper, the imperial entourage saw brand-new villages, but most of the buildings were only facades. The herds of cattle were shipped from great distances, and were moved at night to fresh fields along the route.

The dancing peasants were trained for the entertainments; after each one they were loaded into carts and hurriedly transported to a new downriver location, as were the marching soldiers who seemed to be everywhere.

The gardens of the new palaces were filled with transplanted trees that died a few days later. The palaces themselves were quickly and badly built, but were so magnificently furnished that no one noticed. One fortress along the way had been built of sand, and was destroyed a little later by a thunderstorm.

The cost of this vast illusion had been enormous, and the war with Turkey would fail, but Potemkin had accomplished his goal.

To the observant, of course, there were signs along the way that all was not as it seemed, but when the empress herself insisted that everything was real and glorious, the courtiers could only agree.

This was the essence of the seduction: Catherine had wanted so desperately to be seen as a loving and progressive ruler, one who would defeat the Turks and liberate Europe, that when she saw signs of change in the Crimea, her mind filled in the picture.

🤔 Умозаключение - е нищо чудно, че не са ни освободили 18 век. Руснаците са били заети с пернишки мелодрами и са били същите позьори, които са и сега. 😑

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 05.12.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 1613 пъти. #82411

Просто ни моа... 😆 обещах да не влизам тука година, но туй е твърде добро, за да не се сподели:

Ся чета една книга дет се казва "Why women have sex?" и попаднах на следния цитат:

In women, the sign that orgasm has occurred is not as obvious, and that makes it harder to define. It also makes it more difficult to know exactly when or if an orgasm has occurred.

In fact, sex therapists often see women for treatment who do not know whether they have ever experienced an orgasm.


In the 1960s, William Masters and Virginia Johnson described orgasm in women as a “sensation of suspension or stoppage.” By 2001, there were no fewer than twenty-six distinct definitions of women’s orgasm in the research literature. In 2003, the Women’s Orgasm Committee for the World Health Organization met in Paris, France, and was given the job of reviewing the extensive research on women’s orgasm and creating a definitive description. The group adopted the following:

"An orgasm in the human female is a variable, transient peak sensation of intense pleasure, creating an altered state of consciousness, usually accompanied by involuntary, rhythmic contractions of the pelvic striated circumvaginal musculature, often with concomitant uterine and anal contractions and myotonia that resolves the sexually-induced vasocongestion (sometimes only partially), usually with an induction of well-being and contentment."

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🤔 Умозаключение - и мъжете си мислят, че знаят, че са "докарали жените до оргазъм"... 🤭 те жените сами не знаят какво е "оргазъм", че и "световни комитети" сформират по темата, за да го дефинират... 😆 Просто ни моа...

  Един от многото  Създадено на 05.12.2022, видяно: 1601 пъти. #82416

The belief that vaginal orgasms are somehow better than clitoral orgasms can be traced to Sigmund Freud’s assertion in the 1920s that clitoral orgasms were “infantile” and that the vagina was the center of a “mature” woman’s sexual response.

Freud had a hard time imagining that the penis was not central to every woman’s sexual pleasure, and as a result, millions of perfectly functional women have doubted their sexual abilities.

🤔 Умозаключение - некой ден искам да стана лаладжия като Фройд! 😎 Човекът е бил толкова некомпетентен и е точил кинти от клиентите си, а продължават да го цитират навсякъде като "авторитет".

  realinformatik  Създадено на 07.12.2022, видяно: 1546 пъти. #82500


"Как вместо ОМРАЗА България дава на татуиран рап изпълнител ЛЮБОВ?" - този човек е превърнал негативното от резервата в позитивно, трябва да е пример за нас.

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 07.12.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 1542 пъти. #82501


"Как вместо ОМРАЗА България дава на татуиран рап изпълнител ЛЮБОВ?" - този човек е превърнал негативното от резервата в позитивно, трябва да е пример за нас.

Кво бе - да не са го ебали мутри в дупето!? 🙄 Ква друга ЛЮБОФ може да даде Балгария?

П.П. Баа - как могат да сравняват тоя боклук Фира с Тъпак бе!? 😠 Тъпак е най-голям! В източното гето нема 1 дет да мое да го стигне. Big Sha само го е фанал за шлифера, другите са некви дришльовци...

  BIGBUGEX  Създадено на 10.12.2022, видяно: 1497 пъти. #82568

Евгени, загребвай. Полковник Николай Марков при Карбовски.

  realinformatik  Създадено на 10.12.2022, видяно: 1493 пъти. #82569

Евгени, загребвай. Полковник Николай Марков при Карбовски.

В описанието пише "Защо полковникът прогнозира гражданска война у нас?". Е това вече е доста far-fetched както се вика. По-скоро селяндурска война може да е.

  Един от многото  Създадено на 10.12.2022, видяно: 1484 пъти. #82572

Евгени, загребвай. Полковник Николай Марков при Карбовски.

Хах, тамън станах и си пуснах тубата баш на тва (преди да влеза у форума даже). Евала на "полковника" - облекал се е със син пуловер и синя риза (баш как аз се обличам като ходя да лаладжийствам).

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 10.12.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 1478 пъти. #82576

The Winner’s High

With sexual reputation so valuable to women themselves, it seems almost counterintuitive that women would have sex out of a sense of competition. But for some women, the feeling of conquest is enough to motivate them to have sex:

"In high school I remember feeling very proud of my number of sexual partners. . . . I would get a thrill just before sex, thinking to myself “another one! I snared another one!” Conquest."

—heterosexual woman, age 26

"I view sex as a fun experience and enjoy the thrill of meeting someone and seducing them. The feeling of having a conquest is exhilarating, like a high."

—predominantly heterosexual woman, age 20

"Of course we all want to at some point set our minds to something and accomplish it. When I have done that and accomplished my goal of going home with someone I feel like I have made a conquest."

—heterosexual woman, age 26

🤔 Умозаключение - и после жените били "много различни" от мъжете и не били "коври"...

Нищо че вече съм решил да си карам на коври и чак след поне 10 години да се обвързвам с човешко животно от женски вид (и то от дресираните страни - Индия, арабските страни и др. дето нема "демокрация") ще дочета тея книги за да се доразочаровам от човека. 😑

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Жалко, че немам коче.

П.П. 🤔 И все пак това ме кара да се замисля "Да изеба 100 коври!" изглежда напълно човешка цел, щом и жените си слагат подобни цели. 😎

  Един от многото  Създадено на 10.12.2022, видяно: 1476 пъти. #82577

Bragging rights can be a motivation as well. In our study, one woman said she bragged about a sexual conquest not as a way of snubbing a specific rival, but as a means of communicating her sexual power:

"Ah, a silly thing really. . . . I get so annoyed by these obviously gay boys who openly flirt with females and are all like “oh, I like the aesthetics of the female body, but . . .” and leave it ambiguous whether they would ever do anything about it. So one somewhat drunken evening I challenged one of these guys about it—and we ended up sleeping together. I decided this was a good thing to brag about, converting a gay boy . . ."

—predominantly homosexual woman, age 22

We also discovered a number of women who expressed their competition directly—not simply winning the opportunity to have sex, but beating out other women in the course of doing so:

"I wanted to win. My best friend always had guys interested in her in high school. Although I was never really interested in guys, somehow this bothered me. So I began to pursue the same men she did to prove I was as good, if not better, than her. When she would convey interest in a particular guy I would immediately pursue him and win him with the offer of immediate sex. This included heavy petting under a desk during class and intercourse in a closet or hidden area of my high school."

—gay/lesbian woman, age 23

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Българският народ е мъдър - с право постоянно си бие жените! 😎

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 10.12.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 1468 пъти. #82581

А бе аз нз за кво ги чета тея книги - ще фана да си сваля сериала "Дързост и Красота" и ще го изгледам.

Там са заложени всички "добри практики" по тва, как да свалиш:

- Омъжена жена

- Стара преателка

- Майката на жена си

- Дъщерята на жена си (която не е твоя дъщеря)

- Жената на жена си (ако е била лесбийка)

- Жената на брат си

- Дъщерята на брат си

- Шефката на конкурентна фирма

и др.

Туй и Pickup expert-ите не го могат! 😎

П.П. Макар, че по-бързо ще изчета 40 книги по темата. 🤔

  Един от многото  Създадено на 11.12.2022, видяно: 1455 пъти. #82588

My boyfriend . . . had always wanted to have a threesome with me and this other girl, and I had always said no. I did not want it to affect our relationship. Well, the other girl was at the same party and we started talking and kissing all over each other, right in front of him. Then me and the other girl went to an empty room and had sex.

—heterosexual woman, age 22

My picture

"Heterosexual" yeah right! 😏 Е тва не го очаквах...

  Delegate  Създадено на 11.12.2022, видяно: 1444 пъти. #82592

Евгени, загребвай. Полковник Николай Марков при Карбовски.

Хаха, евала. Много добър!

  Един от многото  Създадено на 14.12.2022, видяно: 1394 пъти. #82815

In September 2008, twenty-two-year-old Natalie Dylan decided that she wanted to pursue a master’s degree in family and marriage therapy—but realized that she needed to raise the money for her tuition.

She had considered her options,including the one that her older sister had chosen: working as a prostitute (which in three weeks earned her enough money to pay for her education).

🤔 Умозаключение - ДА ЖИВЕЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕТО! 😄 Мое да хвана да предложа на студентките, които закъсат със семестриалната такса, да ги финансирам "СЕМЕстриално"...

  Един от многото  Създадено на 15.12.2022, видяно: 1378 пъти. #82819

A hint at the prevalence of sugar daddies within the United States comes from the modern proliferation of Web-based businesses specifically devoted to matching sexually attractive women with financially attractive men. The sites, billed as dating services, include Sugardaddie.com SugarDaddyForMe.com, WealthyMen.com , MillionaireMen.com , and MarryMeSugarDaddy.com. There is even a Web site devoted to rating the quality of sugar daddy / sugar baby Web sites!

А всъщност кво искат жените - красив и як ебач, докато suger daddy-то ги издържа. Ей тая реклама на Alexa убива. 😄

🤔 Умозаключение - поне вече Захата и Путкоскубач знаят от къде да си намерят "богат приятел с голяма рояга"... 😄

  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 15.12.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 1350 пъти. #82821

Offering sex for a good grade was all too common during the 1960s and ’70s, prior to the enactment and enforcement of sexual harassment rules on college campuses.

The offers can come from either party—and can be consensual or threatening in nature.

Perhaps the most flagrant case came to light when it was revealed that over a thousand women allegedly secured better grades from Italian professor Emanuele Giordano in exchange for their sexual favors.

My picture

🤔 Умозаключение - "образованието" е хубаво нещо. Имахме един преподавател в ТУ-София, дет беше некъв C-Level в една корпорация и все с некви студентки го засичаха по молове колежките, а с едни приятели бехме отишли в центъра на по бира и тоя идва с неква студентка.

Последно беше станал "голем шеф" в Русия и забиваше некви рускини - даже май се ожени. 😥 Ама е на 50 години човека, та си е "поиграл". 😎

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  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 19.12.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 1282 пъти. #82924

Хах, ся съм на глава дето разглежда "изнасилванията в семейството" и попаднах на тва:

Many studies have been conducted in which the researchers describe different rape scenarios and then ask people to rate things such as the severity or harmfulness of the rape. Respondents often rate the rapes as less harmful to a woman when the perpetrator is her husband, not a stranger. Perhaps some of these attitudes about marital rape can be traced historically to the belief that it was a man’s right to have sex with his wife, and rape within a marital context was not unlawful.

Decades ago, the approach of Lord Hale, an eighteenth century British jurist, was integrated into American rape statutes:

“But the husband cannot be guilty of a rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife, for by their mutual matrimonial consent and contract the wife hath given up her self in this kind unto the husband which she cannot retract.”

It was not until as recently as 1993 that all fifty U.S. states changed these long-standing laws and made marital rape a crime. Currently, marital clauses in the laws of thirty states still provide that a husband cannot be charged with rape under certain conditions, such as if his wife is unconscious, asleep, or mentally

or physically impaired*.

🤔 Умозаключение - обичам нормалните държави! 😏

Bill Cosby би се съгласил:

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  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 20.12.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 1236 пъти. #82986

Убиха ми мечтите... 😓

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  Един от многото  Последно редактирано на 20.12.2022 от Един от многото, видяно: 1228 пъти. #82987

Попаднах на една книга "To be a men" дет е писана от некъв Ph.D. дет е бачкал по строежите. 😑 Skip-нах я... и книгата "The way of the superior man" ще скипна (писана от некъв духовен гуру)... 😑

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Ама за 90% от книгите важи и обратното - и да ги прочетеш, никва ползва. Има книги дето са злато, и книги дето са тоалетна хартия...

А и трябва да се внимава с четенето... 😖

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Attached files:
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quote-a-person-who-won-t-read-has-no-advantage-over-one-who-can-t-read-mark-twain-29-86-01.jpg36259 bytes20.12.2022100965cbdd6b42fa4d6ad8ae51588008ce6
quote-be-careful-about-reading-health-books-you-may-die-of-a-misprint-mark-twain-29-86-02.jpg36225 bytes20.12.202290e431c8144bac44551f6b1ff525b4fce6

  Един от многото  Създадено на 20.12.2022, видяно: 1222 пъти. #82988

Skip-вам и "The Power of Now" - неква "духовна книжка" дет ти разправя да се "наслаждаваш на момента" (сигурно има и реклами на "бързи кредити"). 😒

Поне вече съм убеден, че и аз мога да напиша книга - щом толкоз лаладжии могат! 😎

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