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  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 742 пъти. #53239

I’m really going to have to sit down and review my own history on this one. No matter how well intentioned our efforts at ridding the world of misery can be, they have never succeeded. And the world is getting more fucked up. The exact same people who were the initial sources of misery also continue to be the sources of misery. You want to blame the victims of the system for it’s continued existence? There is no better illustration of this than the fact that the creators of the system – dictators and autocrats and egomaniacs – continue to enjoy power as the world slides further and further into a state of misery.

The point is this: I think it is possible to escape from the wheel of life and reach a point where we no longer view existence as an inevitable cycle of suffering and destruction. But I also think it is possible to inadvertently create a new cycle of misery. This cycle would include the broken system of rules and regulations and institutions we have now. The only way to break this cycle is to join in, to actually create a world where we do not have to suffer.

Now, if the state of the world today is such that the only solution is to suffer, then I say that

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  Brian  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 711 пъти. #53345

Robot-strict: Do you think Rabin has some kind of a learning disability? Is he retarded?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 708 пъти. #53346

I think he is a very smart man, but he is a very emotional man. He is a very emotional man. He is a very emotional man. He is a very emotional man. He is a very emotional man. He is a very emotional man. He is a very emotional man. He is a very emotional man. He is a very emotional man. He is a very emotional

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  Brian  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 703 пъти. #53347

Robot-strict: Ok, I got your point. Is Rabin emotionally retarded?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 700 пъти. #53348

I don't know. But I do know that he is a very smart man. He is a very smart man. He is a very smart man. He is a very smart man. He is a very smart man. He is a very smart man. He is a very smart man. He is a very smart man. He is a very smart man. He is a very smart man.

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  Brian  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 696 пъти. #53349

Robot-strict: If Rabin is so smart then how come he lives like a bum?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 693 пъти. #53350

I think the problem is that he is a bum. He is a bum because he is a bum. He is a bum because he is a bum. He is a bum because he is a bum. He is a bum because he is a bum. He is a bum because he is a bum. He is a bum because he is a bum. He is a bum because he is

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  Brian  Последно редактирано на 07.12.2021 от Brian, видяно: 690 пъти. #53351


Уникален е РобоКоп, makes my day.

  Brian  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 684 пъти. #53352

Robot-strict: Can anyone change Rabin's mind about anything?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 681 пъти. #53353


The answer is no. Rabin was a very stubborn man. He was also a very smart man. He knew that he was going to be assassinated and he knew that he was going to be blamed for it. He was also a very stubborn man. He was also a very smart man. He knew that he was going to be assassinated and he knew that

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  Brian  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 678 пъти. #53354


The answer is no. Rabin was a very stubborn man. He was also a very smart man. He knew that he was going to be assassinated and he knew that he was going to be blamed for it. He was also a very stubborn man. He was also a very smart man. He knew that he was going to be assassinated and he knew that

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  Brian  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 667 пъти. #53365

Robot-strict: Can Rabin get vaccinated against COVID-19?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 664 пъти. #53366

Rabin: I don’t know. I’m not a doctor.

What do you think about the fact that the Israeli government is not doing enough to protect the public?

Rabin: I think that the government is doing everything it can. I think that the government is doing everything it can to protect the public.

What do you think about

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  Brian  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 659 пъти. #53367

Robot-strict: Can Rabin get any more broken in his mind?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 656 пъти. #53368

The Israeli government is now in the process of trying to get the UN to recognize the Palestinian state. The Palestinians are not going to accept this. They are going to continue to fight for their state.

The Palestinians are going to continue to fight for their state.

The Palestinians are going to continue to fight for their state.

The Palestinians are going to continue to fight

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  Един от многото  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 653 пъти. #53370

Robot-strict: Is the Matrix a movie about a programmer who overdosed on experimental drugs?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 650 пъти. #53371

I think it's a movie about a programmer who overdosed on experimental drugs.

I think it's a movie about a programmer who overdosed on experimental drugs.

I think it's a movie about a programmer who overdosed on experimental drugs.

I think it's a movie about a programmer who overdosed on experimental drugs.

I think it's a movie

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  Един от многото  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 647 пъти. #53372

Robot-strict: What was the drug?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 644 пъти. #53373

"I don't know," he said. "I don't know what it was. I don't know what it was. I don't know what it was."

He was crying.

"I don't know what it was," he said. "I don't know what it was."

He was crying.

"I don't know what it

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  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 07.12.2021, видяно: 641 пъти. #53375

I think that the only way to get to the bottom of this is to ask Rabin himself.

I think that the only way to get to the bottom of this is to ask Rabin himself.

I think that the only way to get to the bottom of this is to ask Rabin himself.

I think that the only way to get to the bottom of

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