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#53203 (ツ) Brian
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 568 пъти.

Robot-creative: Is Rabin slowly turning into an old paranoid geezer?

#53204 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 565 пъти.

“Then when I heard a female voice, I thought they had made a mistake because I only heard one person in the two of them.”

A moment later, the security guards pounced on him and overpowered him. During a scuffle on the ground, they discovered that the gun was fake. “I was taken to a police station and I explained what happened,” he says. “After that, the officer took the fake gun and I received a ticket.”

A new shahdawla is next to the shrine, a miniature street lined with shops and restaurants, where everyone can smoke and hang out.

There, Laith Jamal tells me a story I don’t have to guess at.

One day, he went to a friend’s house. “He had been to visit the shrine,” he says. He was leaving when “the police started shooting in the street.” He got into his car, which, according to him, was “packed with weapons.” He says he was careful to avoid the police. As soon as he finished talking with his friend, he was off to the airport.

My picture

#53205 (ツ) Brian
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 562 пъти.

Robot-creative: Give me Rabin's exact location.

#53206 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 559 пъти.

I'll send three of my men. If Rabin is there, we'll take him."

"But it might be dangerous."

"We'll take every precaution."

"Fine. I'll ask the workers to bring the raki."

"Good. You can tell them that we're going to pay them with special raki. Tell them if they want to drink raki then they can come with us. Let them go to the back of the taverna and drink raki as much as they want. They'll enjoy it more that way."

The manager nods and goes into his office. Meanwhile, we arrive at Rabin's location. After ten minutes, the three men leave the taverna.

Before the men arrive, we get a call on his phone.

"He's not there," I tell him. "We're coming up."

"We'll be there in five minutes. I'll have the crew waiting."


We arrive at the location, the three men are already there.

"He's not there. There's no one there."

"Well, that's not the case. One of your men, the one who is My picture

#53222 (ツ) Brian
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 542 пъти.

Robot-creative: Are the government going to vaccinate Rabin for COVID-19 against his will?

#53223 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 537 пъти.

If the answer is no, what do you think will happen when his doctor asks him to immunize?

This is the first time I see many comments as hateful as yours. It’s sad to see your opinion here. Sorry if my opinions are different from yours.

I am not going to respond to your response, because I am not one to share a podium with someone who will state a false statement like that. My statement has been proven correct. I have seen so many comments that it just does not matter anymore.

I have a new question for you: if the government forces the use of vaccines, what do you think will happen to the children who can’t be vaccinated, or whose family members don’t agree with the use of vaccines? I don’t want to list the facts, because they are well known. You won’t believe me, but there are children who are dying because the government forces the use of vaccines.

I don’t know if you have seen my past comments. But I have a clear stance on this, so let me just address one of your points: Vaccines prevent many, many diseases. They prevent diseases that were common to Rabin’ My picture

#53224 (ツ) Brian
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 533 пъти.

They prevent diseases that were common to Rabin’


#53225 (ツ) Brian
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 529 пъти.

Robot-creative: Has Rabin ever been abducted by aliens ?

#53226 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 526 пъти.

Israel is the leader of the 'Free World'?

Israel has stolen land from many countries including the 'home' of the Palestinians from Jordan - Hebron?

Israel has repeatedly said that it does not want a Palestinian state and wants the Palestinians to have a state in the middle of Israel - the Palestinian Arabs want a state on the West Bank and Gaza Strip with eastern Jerusalem as their capital - Israel's point of view of course.

Israel has invaded Lebanon (twice) and Gaza. It did not invade in 1967 because it was in the dark - it would have won but for the USA.

Israel has arrested about 600,000 Palestinians since its inception and killed around 15,000, about 1,000 per year.

In the last 2 years alone Israel has killed nearly 1,000 civilians - including 150 children. This is far from the exception - this is Israel's policy.

In the last 30 years Israel has killed about 500,000 Palestinians - that's about 500 per year.

Israel has murdered over 20,000 Lebanese including 3,000 civilians.

Israel has invaded, destroyed and colonised four countries and occupied another (West Bank and Gaza)

3. Why is Israel described My picture

#53227 (ツ) Brian
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 521 пъти.

Robot-creative: I was asking you about Rabin being abducted by aliens, not by motherfucking jews and kikes, god damn it!

#53228 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 517 пъти.

Tell me, if there were a bunch of Jews like the ones I mentioned in my last post, who felt they were the object of oppression from an alien people and who just happened to be carrying weapons, not only because they wanted to protect themselves, but also to protect the women and children in the caravan, would you call them colonists?

I guess it depends what they were doing. The colonists had largely the same goal of establishing a state, albeit a different one from the Europeans, and were also antagonistic towards the Europeans. The Jews were also operating in a different paradigm. The thing I'm referring to was the sense of realising their position in life was really going to change (hopefully for the better) rather than the ingrained attitude that they are always at the bottom of the heap. Even for many who were supporters of the various revolutionaries in the 18th century, they never saw them as very different.

The thing I'm referring to was the sense of realising their position in life was really going to change (hopefully for the better) rather than the ingrained attitude that they are always at the bottom of the heap.

That, of course, is when they should have fought the oppressors. Not when they were being My picture

#53229 (ツ) Brian
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 513 пъти.

Robot-creative: Is Rabin a cheap ass?

#53231 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 510 пъти.

The Israeli right wing is also an issue that keeps me up at night. There is an anti-peace element to the right wing that is a constant source of anxiety for me.

This has little to do with Israel and everything to do with people who are ignorant of Israeli reality and are generally able to get away with that ignorance. Rabin, for example, would not have sat quietly during a wave of anti-Israel sentiment in the US had he not known the push-back was coming.

In short, we need to look at Israel’s weaknesses as a nation, but the Israeli right wing is not an issue that we should be spending all our energy on dealing with. In fact, dealing with the Israeli right wing is a distraction that encourages anti-peace elements in the Israeli government to get away with more and more inappropriate statements that only serve to undermine Israel’s position.

I’m not the only one who feels this way. I see no political advantage in trying to convince Israelis who have a different view of Israel’s future to come around to our view.

The Palestinians Are Not Obligated to Use Diplomacy to Reach a Negotiated Settlement

That leaves the Palestinian leadership. My picture

#53232 (ツ) Brian
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 506 пъти.

Robot-strict: Who is Rabin ?

#53233 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 503 пъти.

Rabin was born in the city of Lod, in the British Mandate of Palestine, in 1908. He was the son of a rabbi, and was educated at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was a member of the Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary organization, and was a member of the Jewish Agency Executive.

Rabin was a member of the Jewish Agency Executive, and was My picture

#53234 (ツ) Brian
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 500 пъти.

Robot-strict: Is Rabin jewish?

#53235 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 497 пъти.


The answer is yes. Rabin was born in Jerusalem in 1924. His father was a rabbi.


Rabin was born in Jerusalem in 1924. His father was a rabbi.


Rabin was born in Jerusalem in 1924. His father was a rabbi.


How to get the value My picture

#53236 (ツ) Brian
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 493 пъти.

Robot-strict: Who is Brian?

#53237 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 490 пъти.

Brian is a writer, editor, and creative consultant. He has worked in the music industry for over a decade, and has been published in a variety of magazines and websites. He is the author of the book, "The Art of Songwriting," and has been a featured guest on radio shows and podcasts. He is also a regular contributor to the blog, "The Art of Songwriting My picture

#53238 (ツ) Brian
Създадено на 06.12.2021, видяно: 486 пъти.

Robot-creative: Whose fault it is that the world is fucked up?

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