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#95351 (ツ) Един от многото
Последно редактирано на 04.09.2023 от Един от многото, видяно: 82 пъти.

Mademoiselle Hypergamy

Anonymous: should you let other men know you're multi-dating

Hi love,

Remember: always move in silence. There is no reason for the men in your rotation to know.

A rotation/multi-dating doesn’t mean having sex with a bunch of men. Dating is an elimination process. An observation period for you to see which men are serious.

Anonymous: Hi, do you have any important tips / advice when dealing with politicians/sons of politicians and high-ranking officials?

Hi love,

Which country or continent?

Anonymous: What do you think are the most beneficial hobbies for hypergamy/leveling up?

Hi love,

The most beneficial hobbies are ones that fall in any of the following categories:

1. Self-improvement (meditation, religion)

2. Fitness (yoga, pilates, tennis)

3. The arts (dance, painting, book clubs)

4. Philanthropy/service (non-profit groups)

5. Modern society (think tech-related, politics)

The best hobbies are those that overlap in categories.

Anonymous: Can you attract rich & HVM if you’re not that pretty?

Hi love,

Oh, absolutely.

Have you ever seen those girls that look “average”, but all the men are interested in them? Have you seen the wives of the wealthy? Sure,a lot of them are pretty, but most are average looking.

Being extremely beautiful will catch attention, but attention does nothing for you unless you can keep it.

Anonymous: Hi mademoiselle, just wanna ask, was sexting with a rich man(CEO), and when I hinted that I would love to get a little treat for the effort I put in our chats he went silent on me... How do I confront this, I kinda feel used tbh 🙁

Hi love,

Do not sext with these men.

The reason you feel used is because you put in all this effort for a man who got what he wanted (pleasure) for free. Men value what they work for and what they invest in.

What I encourage you to do:

1. Do not do this in the future. Limit texting with men in general, you should aim for real life interactions (dates).

2. Move on. He’s not worth it.

3. Make sure men are putting in the effort for your attention and time.

Хах, имало сайт където жена съветва други жени как да "успеят в живота". 😄 Най-общо ги съветва да си търсят "богати приятели с големи тояги".

Ахахах, всичко има по тоя Свят. 😅

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#95352 (ツ) Един от многото
Последно редактирано на 04.09.2023 от Един от многото, видяно: 80 пъти.

Anonymous: I feel silly for asking this on this blog but...while I completely agree in delaying sex until a man has invested in you. I currently have a fwb, he’s hot and great in bed. I don’t take him seriously and just look at him as a fuckbuddy. Is this bad? When it comes to dating I wouldn’t do this but is it really an issue to have a fuckbuddy to scratch that itch? While dating other men seriously..Xx

Hi love,

Are you hypergamous? If you are, cut him off immediately. If you are not hypergamous, I can’t speak on that since my focus is hypergamy.

A hypergamous woman should never give her body out for free. A fwb is a man benefitting from you for nothing. A fwb is also not good for you emotionally or mentally, but that’s an entirely different discussion.

If you feel tempted, get a vibrator.

My picture

My picture

П.П. Нее малко е тва... 😆

П.П.П. Weakling. Die human. You will fail! 😈

#95353 (ツ) Един от многото
Създадено на 04.09.2023, видяно: 77 пъти.

Anonymous: I'm a man that stumbled on your blog and instead of teaching women on how to be competent wives and fall in love with good men you're just teaching them to be gold diggers 🤷 my wife certainly won't be like you women smh.

“Competent wives” 😂😂😂

That’s the problem with these low value men. They think they deserve a wife for simply existing, and the wife should be “competent” (code word for “maid”), while they cannot even do the bare minimum.

Take notice, ladies: this man is not upset that I’m teaching you all to be “gold diggers”. He’s upset because he does not have access to you. His (imaginary) wife won’t be like us because he simply cannot obtain a woman of our caliber.

That is the truth.

🤔 Хм, почвам да мисла, че тея дето учат жените да "катерят йерархията" и мажете да "играят без обвързване" са на къса кишка на Сорос. Евала на пича - ей тай са праи! 😎 Respect!

И гледаш после - стари гларуси на 60 и бабки с котки.

#95417 (ツ) Един от многото
Последно редактирано на 08.09.2023 от Един от многото, видяно: 62 пъти.

Специално за Ламбито и още некой дет ми говореше за "качествените жени". Ей тая е някакъв Online Goro и дава акълитет за "качество на жените". 😌 Respect! 😎

П.П. Малее - тая учи жените да се развиват и да станат "стойностни" на по 35-40 и "стойностните мъже" (дето са има нема 1-2% от гето населението) ще полетят да ги търсят. 😏 Даа, точно така... и България ще пребъде! 😄

П.П.П. Аа тая е Meme Generator - почвам да и гледам клипчетата с кеф! 😆

#95423 (ツ) Baiter
Създадено на 08.09.2023, видяно: 51 пъти.

Тая не може да се мери с теб, анални принце, тя колкото курове е счупила ти с толкова започваш сутринта, нале?

#95426 (ツ) Един от многото
Създадено на 08.09.2023, видяно: 48 пъти.

Не Анална принцесо - ти колкото курове си счупила и тя не счупила толкоз.

И не си като нея да си падаш по малки пишки - винаги нападаш черните китове! 😏 Mobi Dick - черния кит!

#95430 (ツ) Baiter
Създадено на 08.09.2023, видяно: 40 пъти.

Анални принце, разкажи за черните пишки не се стеснявай - знаем че събираш материал от негри, индийци, мангали, българи, евреи, турци - в подготовка за секс туризъм в Анадола.

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