He is not the man you want to mess with, I can tell. Although in that scenario, would I think he was sexy? Would I get to experience for the first time what it is like to fuck an old fat man? I don't know, but I can assure you, I am NOT going to experience that anytime soon.<|endoftext|>Q:
Sql join based on multiple tables
I have four tables
1) Item
2) Order
3) OrderItem
4) ItemStatus
I want to retrieve all items based on their last status and the status of the order.
The idea is to get the latest order item status of an item.
How can I do that?
If you want the latest order, for every item, order by the order's itemID, then take the first result:
I would say that the laptop is not a good candidate for a battery pack.
The laptop is a very power hungry device. It is not designed to be used as a battery.
The battery pack will be a lot heavier than the laptop and will take up a lot more space.
The laptop will be much more efficient at converting the power from the wall socket into the power that the laptop needs.
The laptop will be much more efficient at converting the power from the battery into the power that the laptop needs.
The laptop will be much more efficient at converting the power
Rachel was on her feet in a second and hit me on the back of the head with a club she had hidden in her purse, making me fall to my knees.
“Move! And when you see him, apologize!” Rachel turned her back on me and began arguing with the police officers, who were leaning in her direction.
“We’re going,” Lucas said. “You’re next.”
I was taken to the Criminal Investigations Department in the New Scotland Yard. After I had been interrogated for almost an hour, I was asked to write down my statement, in both English and Arabic. Once the detective had finished dictating my statement, he handed it to me and said:
“Have a seat over there. We will call you.”
I sat down and waited. Five minutes later, a policewoman came to take my statement. She read it through to me and then said:
“So, you are a Palestinian citizen of Israel?”
“Yes, I’m a citizen of the State of Israel.”
“You’re lucky that we did
Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 754 пъти. #52526
<nick|here> two-face: ah, so it's just "work" for you?
<sraur> Moany: you got it.
<nick|here> I'm not a bot. I think it's good to support your release.
<Moany> sraur: Ah, good. I've tried the same command before, using the previous version of the script. Didn't work, but I want to see what's wrong with the old version.
<sraur> Moany: no, it's just that when you see multiple bugs like yours, you can work them out together.
<nick|here> Moany: the main problem with that error is the red color of the output.
<Moany> nick|here: I can see. :)
<nick|here> Moany: and that can mean any number of things.
<sraur> Moany: after you have done so, you can file a bug report.
<Moany> sraur: Yeah, but it's hard to fix the bug if you don't know what's going on.
Eat less than you burn. 2. Eat more often. 3. Eat smaller meals. 4. Don't eat after 7pm. 5. Don't eat after 9pm. 6. Don't eat after 11pm. 7. Don't eat after midnight. 8. Don't eat breakfast. 9. Don't eat lunch. 10. Don't eat dinner. 11. Don't eat sweets. 12. Don't eat bread. 13. Don't eat pasta. 14. Don't eat rice. 15. Don't eat potatoes. 16. Don't eat meat. 17. Don't eat fish. 18. Don't eat
Явно не си бил в казармата. Старшината на ротата цитираше устава, че трябва да бъде осигурена котлова храна най-малко един път дневно дори и при полеви учения.
Така се създават здрави личности.
Въобще Милениялщината не ми вдъхва много увереност. Явно остарявам.
He is not the man you want to mess with, I can tell.
Видя ли, Един сдуханяк, вече и ботовете са по-умни от тебе.
Цитираш извън контекста, чичак.
Would I get to experience for the first time what it is like to fuck an old fat man? I don't know, but I can assure you, I am NOT going to experience that anytime soon.
Не е разумно. Крия се от масоните. Те знаят, че пиша наръчник за подривна дейност срещу световната корпоративна диктатура. Искат да ме докопат преди да съм завършил книгата.
The current situation is that the government is trying to get the economy back on track. The government is trying to get the economy back on track. The government is trying to get the economy back on track. The government is trying to get the economy back on track. The government is trying to get the economy back on track. The government is trying to get the economy back on track. The government is trying to get the economy back on track. The government is trying to get the economy back on track. The government is trying to get the economy back on track. The government is trying to get the economy back on track. The