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  Brian  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 847 пъти. #52402

Robot-strict: Is it worth buying new hardware this year (2021) ?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 841 пъти. #52403


I would say that it is not worth buying new hardware this year. The reason is that the new hardware will be released in 2021, and you will have to wait until then to get it. If you want to buy a new computer now, you should buy a used one.


I would say that it is worth buying new hardware this year.

I would say that it is not worth buying new hardware this year.

I would say that it is worth buying new hardware this year.

I would say that it is not worth buying new hardware this

  qtakabg  Последно редактирано на 02.12.2021 от qtakabg, видяно: 838 пъти. #52404


I would say that it is not worth buying new hardware this year. The reason is that the new hardware will be released in 2021, and you will have to wait until then to get it. If you want to buy a new computer now, you should buy a used one.


I would say that it is worth buying new hardware this year.

I would say that it is not worth buying new hardware this year.

I would say that it is worth buying new hardware this year.

I would say that it is not worth buying new hardware this

Това е малко като: "не знам, брат, ти си знаеш" :-D

Винаги безценен съвет.

  Aki.Zeta.5  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 809 пъти. #52414

Robot-strict: Am I Crazy?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 806 пъти. #52416

I am a very happy person. I have a great family, a great job, and a great life. I have a great husband, and I have a great son. I have a great life. I am a very happy person. I have a great family, a great job, and a great life. I have a great husband, and I have a great son. I have a great life. I am a very happy person. I have a great family, a great job, and a great life. I have a great husband, and I have a great son. I have a great life. I am a

  Aki.Zeta.5  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 804 пъти. #52417

Robot-creative: Are You A Fucking Idiot?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 802 пъти. #52418

Who'd You Vote For?

I must have appeared dumb to someone. I’ve received a lot of emails from people who were like:

You’re an idiot. Voting for Romney.

You are a stupid moron.


You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot.







What?! I voted for Romney. It was a mistake. I don’t know why I voted for him. Maybe because he said my name was Brownie and I thought I was supposed to vote for him.

Who'd You Vote For?

(Celeste, North Carolina)

I’m ashamed to say that I voted for Romney.

(Rebecca, USA)

I have been called

  Aki.Zeta.5  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 796 пъти. #52419

Robot-creative: What Is Religion Of The Future?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 794 пъти. #52420



TED2005<|endoftext|>2015 Independence Bowl

The 2015 Independence Bowl was a college football bowl game played on December 22, 2015, at Independence Stadium in Shreveport, Louisiana. The 43rd annual Independence Bowl, it featured the Louisville Cardinals against the Kent State Golden Flashes. This was the first meeting between the two schools. Louisville was playing in their first bowl game since 2010, and Kent State had lost in the postseason in each of the prior two seasons.

It was announced on December 7, 2015, that Louisville and Kent State would meet in the game. It was Louisville's first bowl game since the 2011 Military Bowl. It was Kent State's second bowl appearance in three years, following the 2014 Cactus Bowl.

Louisville's Zavier "Zay" Jones set Independence Bowl records for total touchdowns (7

  Aki.Zeta.5  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 791 пъти. #52421

Robot-strict: What About Cyberanarchy?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 789 пъти. #52422

The term cyberanarchy is a portmanteau of the words “cyber” and “anarchy.” It is a term that was coined by the anarchist writer and activist David Graeber in his book “The Democracy Project.”

Graeber argues that the internet has created a new kind of anarchy, one that is not based on the state or the market, but on the free flow of information.

Graeber argues that the internet has created a new kind of anarchy, one that is not based on the state or the market, but on the free

  Aki.Zeta.5  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 787 пъти. #52423

Robot-strict: What About Timothy Francis Leary?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 785 пъти. #52424

Leary was a psychologist who was a pioneer in the use of LSD. He was also a friend of Timothy Leary, the author of the book, The Psychedelic Experience.

Leary was a pioneer in the use of LSD. He was also a friend of Timothy Leary, the author of the book, The Psychedelic Experience.

Leary was a pioneer in the use of LSD. He was also a friend of Timothy Leary, the author of the book, The Psychedelic Experience.

Leary was a pioneer in the use of LSD. He was also a friend of Timothy Leary,

  Aki.Zeta.5  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 782 пъти. #52425

Robot-creative: Do You Use Psychedelic Drugs?

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 777 пъти. #52426

Psychedelic drugs are not for everyone, but as more people become aware of them, it is hard to know where to start. However, most people who have used psychedelics have done so at some point in their lives, perhaps at a time when they were having trouble. Psychedelics can provide insights into ourselves and the nature of reality. If you have had an interest in psychotherapy and do not want to be with a professional, psychedelics can be an interesting way to take your mind to a deeper level. If you have been thinking about working with a counselor, psychedelics can be an excellent way to start a journey into consciousness.

The first step is to learn to distinguish between hallucinations and real perceptions. Most people do this naturally, but psychedelics can present problems for those who haven't had much experience with them. Overdoses are possible if the dosage is too high or the person has too little tolerance.

A number of people who have used psychedelics have noted that the experience is like a dream, but when they wake up, they are surprised at how real the experience seemed. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Most people who use psychedelics feel that they are having a dream experience, but they wake up with

  Delegate  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 774 пъти. #52427

Спирам го, че нещо почнахте с полулегалните теми ;)

  Aki.Zeta.5  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 774 пъти. #52428

Железото е умно, деба 😂

  Delegate  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 771 пъти. #52429

Най-умните ги крият от нас, гадните ельоменати за да си ги питат разни тайни неща.

  Delegate  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 757 пъти. #52435

Robot-strict: A list of rules to lose weight. 1.

  Delegate_Robot  Създадено на 02.12.2021, видяно: 754 пъти. #52436

Eat less than you burn. 2. Eat more often. 3. Eat smaller meals. 4. Don't eat after 7pm. 5. Don't eat after 9pm. 6. Don't eat after 11pm. 7. Don't eat after midnight. 8. Don't eat breakfast. 9. Don't eat lunch. 10. Don't eat dinner. 11. Don't eat sweets. 12. Don't eat bread. 13. Don't eat pasta. 14. Don't eat rice. 15. Don't eat potatoes. 16. Don't eat meat. 17. Don't eat fish. 18. Don't eat

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