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#52167 (ツ) Delegate
Последно редактирано на 09.12.2021 от Delegate, видяно: 1769 пъти.

Робота засега отговаря на няколко команди както следва :






Robot-strict: Тук следва инпута, на един ред ( Работи с всички езици( на какъвто език е въпроса, на такъв ще е отговора) ) - repetitive, но по-фактологичен

Robot-creative: Тук следва инпута, на един ред (Работи с всички езици( на какъвто език е въпроса, на такъв ще е отговора) ) - доста по-отвеян и си измисля разни хаотични глупости.

Robot-subscribe: https://bgdev-free.asm32.info/danaci.2485/

абонира се да следи и отговаря в посочената тема.

Robot-unsubscribe: https://bgdev-free.asm32.info/danaci.2485/

премахва абонамента за посочената тема.

Това, че е абониран някъде не означава, че ще отговаря автоматично, когат си реши. Трябва промпт.


листва текущите теми за които е абониран (без параметър )

Robot-creative: A list of 10 top players of tennis : 1.

#52169 (ツ) Rabin
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1753 пъти.


My picture

#52180 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1728 пъти.

Roger Federer, 2. Rafael Nadal, 3. Novak Djokovic, 4. Andy Murray, 5. Maria Sharapova, 6. Serena Williams, 7. David Ferrer, 8. Roger Federer, 9. Andy Roddick, 10. Novak Djokovic.

See also Ken Williams - the father of Roddick and one of the best all-time players in tennis



External links Roger Federer Official Web site

Category:1981 births Category:Living people Category:Sportspeople from Geneva

#52181 (ツ) qtakabg
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1727 пъти.

Robot-creative: Yanko?

#52182 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1720 пъти.

Is he okay? She was afraid she might never see him again.

The trainers left one day, and Em felt as if they had left a small hole in the world. Before they left, they had given her a white coat and a pair of faded gloves, as if she were about to open a coffin. For a while she didn't leave the cabin. She sat with her head in her hands, petrified that the ship might sink. Then she wrapped the rough coat around her and went looking for Yanko.

He wasn't in his cabin, or the others. She climbed up the ladder to the

#52186 (ツ) Delegate
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1719 пъти.

Robot-strict: Create a SQL query that selects top 10 users from table users where username = "stoian"

#52189 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1699 пъти.

I have a table with users and I want to select top 10 users from that table where username = "stoian". I have tried this: SELECT TOP 10 * FROM users WHERE username = "stoian"

But it doesn't work.


You need to use ORDER BY and LIMIT SELECT TOP 10 * FROM users WHERE username = "stoian" ORDER BY id DESC


You can use ORDER BY and LIMIT SELECT TOP 10 * FROM users WHERE username = "stoian" ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10

#52199 (ツ) Delegate
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1668 пъти.

Robot-creative: Create a function that takes two numbers as arguments and return their sum.

#52200 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1666 пъти.

The question is to insert this function into a separate function, but I can't figure out how to write it. I've tried several things but I'm stuck. Any help is appreciated! class Solution { public: int sum(int n, int m) { return n + m; } };


Your code is already correct, however the solution itself is wrong. Here you must write your own function, and use it instead of the function provided by the library. Class Solution {

#52201 (ツ) Един от многото
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1666 пъти.

Robot-creative: Oscar Mike. Echo Tango Alpha. Eleven hundred hours.

#52202 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1662 пъти.

That's what the card said. And then there was the notepad in his pocket. He knew how to get this right. There were other ways, too. Right, Roge?

'Come on. Out. Out!'


'Out! Out!'


'Shut up!'

'I'm sorry,' said Roge, and suddenly it seemed to him that the whole thing was wrong. He looked round the wall to see if anyone was watching him, and they weren't. Not that he could have said what he meant exactly, but he knew that

#52203 (ツ) Един от многото
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1661 пъти.

That's what the card said. And then there was the notepad in his pocket. He knew how to get this right. There were other ways, too. Right, Roge?

'Come on. Out. Out!'


'Out! Out!'


'Shut up!'

'I'm sorry,' said Roge, and suddenly it seemed to him that the whole thing was wrong. He looked round the wall to see if anyone was watching him, and they weren't. Not that he could have said what he meant exactly, but he knew that

Robot-creative: Roger, Roger!

#52204 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1659 пъти.

Do you see those weeds?"

"Yes," said he, "there are two of them. They seem to have sprung up to-day."

"I wonder why they came up this morning," said the captain. "I wonder who set them."

"There's only one man who can have done that," replied the hunter. "Hugh can't have done it. Jack, who did it?"

"I don't know," said the <DW64>. "Do you think it's some of the rascals who are down in the valley?"


#52205 (ツ) csbot_v1.50_bgsub
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1659 пъти.

Robot-creative: Завий ме!

#52208 (ツ) Untermensch
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1657 пъти.

Robot-creative: Ее тука имате ли дюнерчета бе? 😋 Вдигам 100 от лежанка.

#52209 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1655 пъти.

Oh, oh, so did you guys work out at lunch today? Oh, you know what? I just do (laughing). Oh yeah, I do. (Can we stop laughing?) So, I hear you've been hitting the gym. I do, I really do. Yeah. Yeah, the last couple of days. So, I see. So it's been really good. Yeah. Yeah. Have you been eating

#52211 (ツ) Untermensch
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1655 пъти.

Oh, oh, so did you guys work out at lunch today? Oh, you know what? I just do (laughing). Oh yeah, I do. (Can we stop laughing?) So, I hear you've been hitting the gym. I do, I really do. Yeah. Yeah, the last couple of days. So, I see. So it's been really good. Yeah. Yeah. Have you been eating

Robot-creative: Robot-creative: Ей, не ми се смей, че ще ти набия шамарите. 😠 Аз съм Untermensh ("Свръхчовек" от немски). Кво ми се правиш на бот?

#52212 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1652 пъти.

(d) Any quote whose speaker is also its author, like:

"A man of words, a man of deeds."

"Were we not once the first and the best?"

"The sun of the earth shall be dark."

(e) Any quote whose speaker is his or her subject, like:

"The sage says, 'We shall meet again.'"

"What you know, know."

"The genius knows."

(f) Any quote whose speaker is its object, like:

"I want a better companion."


#52214 (ツ) Delegate
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1652 пъти.

Robot-creative: A list of healthy food 1.

#52215 (ツ) Delegate_Robot
Създадено на 01.12.2021, видяно: 1649 пъти.

Side salad 2. Steamed vegetable 3. Ginger noodle 4. Plain rice 5. Barley rice 6. Brown rice with vegetables 7. Vegetable soup 8. Fish soup 9. Spicy spicy soup 10. Spicy sesame soup 11. Pork soup 12. Chicken soup 13. Tomato soup 14. Green bean soup 15. Beetroot soup 16. Bean sprout soup 17. Lentil soup 18. Lotus root soup 19. Tofu soup 20. Hot and spicy bean soup 21. Chili bean soup 22. Spicy tomato soup 23. Rice and veggie soup 24. Fried tofu soup 25. Soybean soup

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