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#37808 (ツ) Major Obvious
Създадено на 30.04.2021, видяно: 455 пъти.

...че да няма после "Тате, анексирах дневната с напълно законен референдум. Повече референдуми няма да има. Не обръщай внимание на зеления чичко с калашника, той е независим наблюдател за спазване на реда".


Ukraine has accused that the (private-studio-produced) cartoon is a pernicious but effective Soviet propaganda - a subtle, subliminal tool - an insidious reminder and glorifier of the Soviet legacy. Influential Estonian academics strongly suspect sugarcoated brainwashing of children and signification of State Soft Power. The powerful, magnanimous and paternalistic bear is said to allude to the patronising, possessive and controlling Soviet State which is allegedly shown to protect the unruly, unwitting, clumsy, immature and indiscretionary individual citizen (Masha) from the troubles the latter inadvertently creates for itself.

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